看门狗军团4.0更新后使用手柄游戏没有声音解决方法首先感谢404用户Ale Nome转发的来自育碧论坛用户Tel57的解决方法分享。
解决方法 打开游戏-选项-游戏手柄-震动-开启-重启游戏
如果未能得到解决,请尝试删除以下目录的文件:Documents(我的文档)My GamesWatch Dogs Legion下的WD3_GamerProfile.xml
Delete the config File "WD3_GamerProfile.xml" in "DocumentsMy GamesWatch Dogs Legion", then start the game, go into options and do your setup how you would like it BUT do not turn OFF Vibration in Gamepad leave this set to ON, this setting when off MUTES the sound.You could just change this setting to ON then restart the game but I found I did not hear any sound on the first part of the start up until after the Nvidia logo, so I just deleted mine just in case of any future sound issues. (thank you Tel57!!!)