Project Kat(Project Kat - Paper Lily Prologue)全结局攻略。本作是一款Steam平台的免费游戏。题材为恐怖RPG游戏。在1.3版本中作者增加了多结局,下面带来全部结局的流程以及触发方法,供各位玩家们参考。
Dead End K2 - Cold Cat Feet(死亡结局K2——冰冷的猫爪)
1. 来到学校场景查看笔记后直接下楼。
Go downstairs from school after checking notes.
2. 在第二次提示时选择 Yes, this is scary.(是,这太可怕了)
Choose Yes, this is scary on the second interaction.

Dead End K3 - Academic Spiral(死亡结局K3——理论上是螺旋的)
1. 根据笔记的提示收集物品;
Collect items according to your notes;
2. 将仪式(Ritual)做到在一间教室地板上画完线之后,出去走廊,会听到有人砸碎玻璃;
After finishing the step of ritual that drawing a path on the floor of one classroom, go out to the corridor and you will hear someone breaking the window glass;
3. 此时下楼,在第二次提示时选择 Yes, let's go home.(是,我要回家)
At this time go downstairs, choose Yes, let's go home. on the second interaction;
4. 在楼梯上行走几圈后触发结局。
Walk a few laps on the stairs and then come to the end.
Some of the items to collect:
• 粉笔:在刚开始亮着灯的灵异部(Occult Club)就能拿到;
Chalk: Get it at the Occult Club where the lights are turned on at the beginning;
• 头发:需要去3-A(左边的)教室鞋柜上拿到剪刀剪下自己或同学的头发;
Hair: Get scissors on the shoebox in the classroom 3-A (the left one) and cut yourself or classmate's hair;
• 符文石(Runes):需要用剪刀或召集同学后拆开灵异部的纸箱拿到;
Runes: Use scissors or let classmates unpack the cardboard box to get them;
• 窗帘:参考死亡结局K4。
Curtains: Refer to Dead End K4.
Dead End K4 - Nevermind Forever(死亡结局K4——永远都是算了吧)
1. 先做到在中间教室发现缺一块窗帘那一步;
Finish the steps finding out the curtains are missing in the middle classroom;
2. 去右下角戏剧部(Theater Club)门口看一下,主角Kat想知道那三位同学有没有这里的部员;
Have a look at the Theater Club's door on the bottom right, then Kat wants to know if there is any member of this club among those three classmates;
3. 去3-C(右边的)教室上排中间的一个书桌里拿到一个红色笔记本;
Get into classroom 3-C (the right one), pick up a red notebook from under a desk in the middle of the upper row;
4. 然后再返回灵异部向左边的单马尾同学拿到钥匙;
Then go back to Occult Club, get the key from the ponytail girl sitting on the left.
5. 去右下角戏剧部拿到窗帘后再回灵异部归还钥匙;
Pick up the curtains in the Theater Club on the bottom right and go back to the Occult Club, return the key;
6. 分别与三位同学聊天(要先开下收音机才能聊到后面)到中间女生说 Good luck with your game(祝你玩得好运)后在右边椅子上坐下,之后同学就跟着你了;
Chat with three classmates seperately (Turn on the radio first to continue the dialogue) until the middle girl says Good luck with your game, then sit on the chair on the right, the classmates will follow you after.
7. 此时带同学直接下楼,在第二次提示后选择 Yeah, let's go(是,我们走吧)触发结局。
At this time take your classmates directly downstairs, choose Yeah, let's go on the second interaction to come to the end.

Dead End K5 - Party Wipe(死亡结局K5——全军覆没)
1. 参考死亡结局K4召集到同学;
Refer to Dead End K4 to party up classmates;
2. 带着同学完成仪式;
Finish the ritual with classmates;
3. 仪式完成后,同学会被杀害,之后出门即可触发结局。
After that the classmates will be killed, then go outdoor and come to the end.
Dead End K6 - Snip Snip(死亡结局K6——咔嚓咔嚓)
1. 参考死亡结局K4召集到同学;
Refer to Dead End K4 to party up classmates;
2. 带同学用剪刀把三间教室的绿色植物(每间各一个)剪掉即可触发结局。
Cut off all green plants in three classrooms (one in each) with classmates following, then come to the end.
Dead End K7 - Girls Night Out(死亡结局K7——夜游的女生)
1. 去3-A(左边的)教室左下角自己的座位上拿到发卡;
Take your hairpin from the desk on the bottom left in classroom 3-A (the left one);
2. 参考死亡结局K3和K4,在召集到同学后做到听到走廊里有人砸碎玻璃那一步;
Refer to Dead End K3 and K4, finish the step hearing someone breaking the window glass after bringing your classmates;
3. 此时带同学去左下角不知道干什么的部室,用发卡撬开门锁后进去,一直往右走;
At this time head to the unknown room on the bottom left, unlock the door using hairpin and get in, go straight forward to the right;
4. 完成剧情后会出现一张CG图,然后触发结局。
There's a CG after the story and then you come to the end.

Dead End K8 - My Way(死亡结局K8——自己的路)
1. 收集前面提到的所有道具后独自完成仪式;
Collect all items mentioned above and finish the ritual alone;
2. 不要看任何在后面像是在学校走廊里出现的吓唬你的东西,例如鬼影、碎玻璃、鬼屋等;
Don't care about anything that scares you in the corridor which seems of school such as ghost figure, broken window glass and ghost room;
3. 在自己被困在一个小空间时出现选项,选择 Be strong(我要变强)即可触发结局。
When you are trapped in a small area and options appear, choose Be strong and then come to the end.
True End K1 - Curiosity Killed the Cat(真结局K1——好奇害死猫)
1. 参考死亡结局K8,在被困在小空间出现选项时选择 Please, let me out(求求你,让我出去);
Refer to Dead End K8, choose Please, let me out when you are trapped in a small area and options appear;
2. 根据剧情完成即可触发结局。
Finish the story and then come to the end.